

Marble Dining Furniture

Marble Dining Furniture

Posted by Furniture Lifestyle on 6th Jan 2018

If you prefer the finer things in life, nothing can compliment your home than real stone furniture. The weight of the dining tables alone, screams quality furniture is in the room. The colours, and st … read more

Cleaning Your Leather Sofas

Posted by Furniture Lifestyle on 24th Nov 2017

We would like to pass on some of our knowledge on how to keep your leather sofas clean, and looking like new.General Cleaning Tips. For everyday care, and cleaning we recommend to use an upholstery s … read more

Sectional Furniture

Posted by Furniture Lifestyle on 9th Oct 2017

I have recently returned from a new factory, in Europe, who we will be working with in the very near future. The main purpose for my visit was to view the sectional furniture made by this particular m … read more

Can a Leather Suite be Repaired

Posted by Furniture Lifestyle on 29th Sep 2017

A leather suite is with no comparison the best choice when buying sofas that you want to last. Leather is a natural product, and when cared for correctly will outlast any man made fabric. The mor … read more

Full Leather Sofas versus Synthetic Leathers

Posted by Furniture Lifestyle on 11th Sep 2017

Full leather sofas are what we refer to within the industry as a sofa covered purely in leather. Many of our customers become confused to wether their sofa is made from leather or a synthetic mat … read more